Veteran Friendly Practice
We are pleased to inform you that Ash Grove Surgery has been successful in joining the 'Armed Forces Veteran Friendly GP practice accreditation scheme'.
If you are ex-forces, please let your GP know to help ensure you are getting the best possible care.
What is a veteran?
A veteran is anyone who has served for at least one day in the Armed Forces, whether regular or reserve.
What is the RCGP advice on veteran’s health?
Whilst many aspects of the health needs of veterans are the same as for the general public, there are sometimes significant differences, particularly in relation to conditions attributable to service life and the impact upon families. These differences can be reflected in the way in which healthcare is delivered, the range and types of some specific services provided and the long-term impact upon patients and families.
Accreditation certificate Ash Grove Medical
If you have ever served in the Armed Forces or presently have any immediate family currently serving, please contact the surgery so we can ensure your medical records are appropriately recorded and we are meeting your health needs.
New Information Sharing Initiative - You have a choice.
Please read the leaflets below:
View Leaflet
View Frequently Asked Questions
Dental Services - residents urged to have their say
Residents across Wakefield are being urged to have their say and help shape dental services for people without a regular dentist or who need urgent care out of hours.
The NHS locally is asking people to help them in the task of planning a new service for the whole of West Yorkshire by sharing their experiences of unplanned or urgent dental services in their area.